Wednesday, April 22, 2009

another day!!

Well yesterday seemed to begin nicely but for Kolby not so much!! His car was broken into at school and what I like to call "his noise" was all stolen. Actually since someone came into the parking lot they stopped the break in and didn't get the speakers. Kolby saved up for a long time for all of this stuff and the funny thing or not is that the "noise" was worth more than the car. He was pretty bummed last night but woke up feeling a little better. Sorry Kolby!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Some pictures of our trip to Florida. I'll write later. By the way the 85 Volvo made it back fine and Tate is going to learn to drive it soon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hi all, I thought I would write real quick before I begin the mad rush to pack. We are headed to Florida to see Britt. The "holdren" bus leaves at 5 am or earlier Thursday morning. We want to get to Britt's church for the Seder dinner. Mazie has her "kinie" and she's ready to go. She asked if she can sleep on Britt's floor and we are happy to allow her to do just that!! Britt has a picnic planned for us on Friday and Tate will be able to see some of the kids from Britt's old youth group. I am anxious to see Britt. Thursday is the girls birthdays and then on Easter it is the 1 year anniversary of us all becoming a family. Please say a prayer as we travel on Thursday and then again on Monday. We will be also driving back the old volvo station wagon so pray for it to work fine and no break downs or problems. Thanks for the prayers. Happy Easter to all of you. We are thankful that God's son was willing to die for our horrible sins. Think about this, Dru sent out this text: what do you think Jesus was thinking this last week of His life?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

rain, rain, rain!!

I know that all the weather people say we need the rain but do we need it this badly? I have been reading other blogs of friends and have decided I am not real good at this. Hope that those of you that do end up reading it at least see a glimpse into our family and daily life. I listen to Mazie Anne as she watched out the office door this evening, she was talking to the rain to go away. She said that her kitty didn't like it. She also said that she wants to go "choppping" tomorrow. What a hoot she is.
Thanks to my "new" friend Carla whom has given me some "advice" on what is happening in my heart. Your insight is valuable to me.
As April begins and the end of school is quickly approaching there are going to be some very joyous events and some sad ones too. With my 3rd son graduating the "dread" is still there. I have friends that say "well you have done it before" but it doesn't get any easier that's for sure. Kolby is ready to fly, am I ready to let him? pray that I am when the time comes!! good night